Top 20 Tech and Marketing Trends to Watch Out for in 2015
The following list contains 20 surprising tech and marketing trends that will be gaining traction this year.
The following list contains 20 surprising tech and marketing trends that will be gaining traction this year.
Quite often it’s the simple things that go a long way on social media. Use these 3 tips to make your next Facebook post go viral.
Jessica Alba is more than just a pretty face. She’s the cofounder of an innovative childcare and wellness brand called the Honest Company. Listen as she gives great advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs.
The real Wolf of Wall Street’s straight line persuasion approach to selling is now officially a standard training tool for most of corporate and SMB america. Learn more about the 3 tenets of his system and how it will help you close more deals.
Some of the following factoids about McDonald’s restaurants will come as no surprise. At least a few will cause your eyebrows to furrow. Still others will definitely make your jaw drop!
Collecting money from some clients can be like like trying to pull porcupine quills out of your dog’s nose. Check out this explainer vid to see how Zencash uses the “nice guy” approach to keep on top of, and collect money for their designer clients.
The following ‘infograph’ gives some current stats about how audiences respond to visuals more so than verbal, and why you should include infographics in your content marketing strategy.
A turtle that’s come out of it’s shell is vulnerable, and everyone around him knows it. This quick video talks about identifying your personality strengths and how to leverage your introverted or extroverted traits to network effectively, instead of looking like a shell-less turtle in the middle of the interstate!
Innovation is a pipe-dream for many business owners. Learn how Lollipics has brought their innovative products full-circle, by using smart business acumen and a “listen to those who know” approach.
When it comes right down to it, there’s no definitive answer as to what makes a video go viral. However, these 9 factors have shown to be present in nearly every piece of viral video content.
Your company’s reputation can go from hero to zero in less than a day. This infograph gives you an easy to follow setup and monitoring plan for online reputation management.
Never seek startup marketing tips from people who’ve never even ran a successful campaign of their own! Watch this video to learn what tactics worked for these successful startup CEO’s.
We’re all over-marketed-to in this day and age. This video offers a more human and simplistic approach to closing a sale. Warning: this advice is the antithesis of traditional sales techniques.
There is a huge difference between what motivates people and what influences them. This distinction is uber-important when developing a successful life and career path.
People listen with their eyes perhaps even more than they do with their ears. This video shows 5 quick and easy tips to help you make the best impression you can when networking, or trying to woo a new customer.