Stop Letting Problems Consume You — We Grow the Most When the Storm’s Over
Are you a storm chaser, or do you hide under the nearest bridge when the sky turns grey?
Are you a storm chaser, or do you hide under the nearest bridge when the sky turns grey?
So many of you are likely suffering in your life and career because you weigh the time, monetary, and even the emotional costs associated with achieving your goals. Unfortunately, obsessive contemplation and the worry of uncertainty does nothing but hold you back.
Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death…
How many of you out there are “dabbling” in your dreams in the same way you’d tinker around with the idea of learning a new language or skill? Dabbling kills dreams, it doesn’t cultivate them.
Are you ready to kill the pessimistic hater yourself who’s doomed to failure and start down a new, fun journey of self-discovery?
This interesting vid from Lewis Howes explains how to identify, and use, the right types of internal and external feedback that can help entrepreneurs be successful.
Jim Rohn describes the mind as “being the gateway to your success.” We’re all guilty of using conscious or even unconscious negative incantations to belittle ourselves and limit our potential. The following positive affirmation video will help you to turn the tide on your negative brain.
Imagine the ghosts of your unfulfilled dreams haunting you for an eternity. As Les Brown tells us in this video, if we don’t achieve them in life, they’ll die with us.
Positivity and negativity are opposing forces. Blaming either on luck or circumstance is a sure-fire way to keep going down the wrong path.
Fear is not real. It only exists in our imagination. The insanity surrounding fear is that fear always relates to the future, never really the present, certainly not the past.
When success is just as important as taking a breath, you’ll have all the tools you need to realize your dreams.
So many millionaires and billionaires espouse a boundless “whatever it takes to get there” work ethic. Listen to what these guys have to say about the other things that swirled about in their minds throughout their road to riches, and what they feel sets them apart from those who can’t seem to find the same successes in life.
If you’re looking for a boost, you have to watch this video. You have more in common with these famous failures turned legendary trail-blazers than you might imagine.
The bottom of this world is crowded with losers and inbetweeners. Inbetweeners still have hope because they’re open to making the positive changes needed to crawl out of the pit of unhappiness they’ve created for themselves. If you aren’t a winner, watch this motivational video and decide whether your character’s redeemable or not.
Hustle more, hate less is the catchline of Grant Cardone’s “10x” philosophy on achieving career success and market dominance in this world. Thinking big is the only way to survive. Lowering your standards and expectations when times get tough is a sure-fire path to being middle-class. Target big problems that exist and exploit them to make big money.