Can Apple Take Over the Electric Car Industry?
Apple has stated it’s planning to take over the #1 spot for the world’s best and biggest electric car manufacturer by 2020 (currently Tesla holds this spot).
Apple has stated it’s planning to take over the #1 spot for the world’s best and biggest electric car manufacturer by 2020 (currently Tesla holds this spot).
Movies like Lucy with Scarlett Johansson and Limitless starring Bradley Cooper may seem far-fetched to you. However, the following video confirms the technology required to expand the limitations of the human brain exists already and is available to anyone.
Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t need to carry around a key-fob to get in your car, or enter a passcode every time you want to get past a security system — or into your cellphone? Near Field Technology is taking RFID to the next level!
Sure, wearable tech like Apple Watch might seem really cool now. But are we really going in a positive direction with this technology. In the not-so-distant future, basic human privacy might be part of your kid’s history lessons in school.
StoreDot has finally whittled down the size of their revolutionary smart device batteries (and accompanying charger) enough that soon we’ll be charging our phones in less than 2 minutes.