Gaming Awesomeness: 2k Has Released Face Scan for NBA 2K15!
Imagine the possibilities for this technology. Soon we’ll be able to implant our entire bodies into every game imaginable: wrestling, soccer, hockey, UFC, boxing… the sky’s the limit!
Imagine the possibilities for this technology. Soon we’ll be able to implant our entire bodies into every game imaginable: wrestling, soccer, hockey, UFC, boxing… the sky’s the limit!
Check out this commercial for these Hibou’s and tell me that technology isn’t spiraling out of control. Soon they’ll be parenting your children for you! What do you think. Isn’t this just another step toward de-socializing our kids?
An aggressive Perth, Australia reporter forces Jack Cooksey, the first person to buy an iPhone 6, to drop the phone just minutes after he made the purchase. Don’t worry folks, the phone is fine!
Hummina, hummina, hummina, hummina — super resolution technology, DSR, advanced frame-buffer technology… If you’re thinking about buying the newly-released 970 or 980 GPU’s, check out this video!
Top tech tools available to you to enhance your availability from afar as well as to stay connected and on top of your online presence when time or location become a hindrance.
There may come a time, in the not-so-distant future where an opportunity to overtake your competitors will arrive in the form of a potential apocalyptic disaster or environmental calamity of some sort. This DIY Solar build lays out everything you need to bulletproof your home and office with backup power against power outages.
Data breaches are costly. On average, companies spend more than $5 million in order to fix the breach. So, how companies finance the recovery? The answer may surprise you!
One smart app developer is capitalizing on the runners and football fans niche: Football Race app brings football atmosphere to your running sessions.
There’s really so much fail in these future technology predictions that ended up being wrong. Some of these will really surprise you, including how Bill Gates foot-in-mouth disease ended up being the most profitable prediction miss of all time!
Is Apple Pay the end of PayPal? Will this new service give the computer giant access to data that will help them overtake Google as the premiere source for consumer marketing and purchase data? Click inside and see what Claire Cockerton, technology-driven financial services expert, has to say about Apple’s latest move.
It was only a matter of time everyone. This WiFi technology looks really cool. It basically allows you to program the control center with hand-swipe gestures (i.e., the Doppler Effect), which you can then use to control any and all electronically-controlled device in your home or office.
Neo Smartpen N2 allows you to use it like the typical ballpoint, with one major difference: It copies your pen-and-paper drawing into an app – in real time. Super cool!
This new gesture-controlled smart technology product, called simply “Ring” looks totally cool. Check out all the apps and devices this product works with.
If you’re considering building your own PC to save a few dollars and get better performance, this vid pretty much sums up the advantages and disadvantages of both options.
While it’s often believed that you have to work your butt off 18 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to make millions, these million and billion dollar ideas of the past century happened purely by accident.