What Is an Enterprise Architect and How Can You Become One?
Did you know the average salary of an enterprise architect is $131,737 annually? If you currently work in an IT…
Did you know the average salary of an enterprise architect is $131,737 annually? If you currently work in an IT…
Looking directly into someone’s eyes can be really uncomfortable for some people. In this video, Cool Life Design coach, Jimmy Naraine offers some easy tips on how to maintain the illusion of eye contact to the people you’re talking to, without making them or yourself feel uncomfortable.
Are you running toward success, or patiently sitting back waiting for the right moment? Learn more about why idea of a 5-year or 10-year life plan is really just an excuse to put off building the foundation of those plans.
Everyone, even the boss finds the need to slack off at work now and again: When recovering from a rough…
It is important for individuals who are looking for an opportunity in HR to prepare themselves well before applying. Here is a guide for you.
Finding the RIGHT job for YOU can definitely be tricky in this job market. Here’s 5 tips to get the ball rolling in 2015.
13 tips from a successful, multi-business owner for finding your dream job in 36 hours or less.
Millennials are so often criticized for being lazy and unproductive. You have all the promise in the world, feedback from countless generations before you, yet success is more elusive than ever. The problem is that you have TOO MUCH information coming in.
It’s not enough just to wear your best professional attire, get a haircut, and think about all the skills that make you indispensable when going into a job interview. Learn more about what they’re going to ask, why they’re asking, and how you should answer.
Just like any other aspect of your life, you have to stand watch at the doorway of your mind, letting the right people in and stopping the wrong ones dead in their tracks.
“50 Billion Dollar Man” Dan Peña advocates squashing Tim Ferris’s 4-Hour Work Week mentality in favor of the 120-hour work week, if you want to be successful like him
Finding a job post-graduation is tougher than it’s ever been. Online job searching and application processes have made it hard for graduates of even the highest educational pedigree to stand out to recruiters. Author Steve Dalton offers a couple of great tips to create a modernized job search strategy in the digital era.
Did you know that recruiters only spend an average of 6 seconds reading (or skimming, to be exact) your resume? Don’t lose heart – here is how to woo your recruiters with your resume – in 6 seconds.
BizEpic readers love inspiring and enlightening quotes from successful movers-and-shakers, and we like to give them to you! I’d like…
Okay – enough about CFO – Chief Fun Officer – job title. It so last season. And it’s not that quirky, anymore. Why? Because today, there are more jobs that will raise your eyebrow and awe-struck you.