How to Procrastinate and Boost your Productivity
Dhani Jones, an entrepreneur and former NFL star, offers you one, unique productivity tip: Focus on your distractions and let yourself get distracted..
Biz Epic is a business news website covering business, finance and marketing topics from a different perspective.
Sort by: Latest / Likes / Comments / RandomDhani Jones, an entrepreneur and former NFL star, offers you one, unique productivity tip: Focus on your distractions and let yourself get distracted..
According to figures released by StartUp Britain, the number of startup businesses In Britain hit 500,000 in 2013, the first time that the figure head ever been achieved in the UK.
On #AskGaryVee episode 8, Gary Vaynerchuk answers a very interesting and important question about marketing in all awesomeness.
Recession sucks. But there is no better time for you to prepare yourself for future periods of austerity than today. How can you prepare for the worst – and thrive?
Gary Vaynerchuk, the social media superstar/entrepreneur/investor/author, creates a video that can explain the use of ‘@’ symbol in Twitter in a crystal-clear manner.
Apple has just released iOS 8.1 and with the update, they make history by launching Apple Pay – a mobile payment solution that will change everything.
Although smartphones and tablets are significantly used for roaming and increases productivity, the research shows that desktops are still winning the battle of devices.
The fans say that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have great design and bigger screen. The naysayer say that the phones are ridiculously priced and technologically outdated. What do you think: Cool or uncool?
The secrets to success of 5 young entrepreneurs: Jack Delosa, Priyanka Rao, Lorraine Murphy, Jane Lu and Ben Carroll. Very inspiring.
I recommend you to watch this video, and I guarantee you that you will know what you should do next in dealing with your fear of losing your success.
Virgin Disruptors gathers entrepreneurs and business leaders for a debate on the state of innovation in 2014. A must-watch.
Here is the cold, hard truth: People will NOT see the banner ads if they are placed on the typical locations of your business website.
Overheads in business are necessity to ensure your business is running smoothly. How to reduce them, especially in printing and scanning?
Playing is important for young and old, and in personal and business life. Maybe, it is even more important than you think.
You need to learn from Transport for London on how to gain free publicity: They have built a bus stop which is entirely made of 100,0000 LEGO bricks.