8 Easy Confidence Boosters That Actually Work
Cultivating confidence is much easier than you might think. Here’s 8 steps to get you started toward a more self-assured you!
Online content writer since 2009. Love reading/writing fiction, running, hiking, camping, crossfit, music and traveling.
Sort by: Latest / Likes / Comments / RandomCultivating confidence is much easier than you might think. Here’s 8 steps to get you started toward a more self-assured you!
The following 5 social media apps can save any business tons of money and time.
Here’s my top 5 roundup of, in my opinion, the best self-improvement vlogs on YouTube.
Professional and personal relationships are complicated because we’re all so unique. Having these 3 traits are a good way to build respect with everyone you know and every stranger that comes into your life.
Check out these 7 retail theft prevention tips to stop thieves from hurling you toward bankruptcy…
Be it at the hands of a family member, coworker, business partner, or a random stranger on the street: There are few emotions greater than those which boil to the surface when we realize we’re being taken advantage of.
If your content isn’t getting shares in social media, you’re only getting views from people who happen to stumble on your blog or vlog. You need to plan for and cultivate viral shares by following these 5 handy knowledge nuggets.
For a small business, just one lost well-trained employee can be devastating. Turnover costs thousands per lost employee. Here’s a few great tips for finding the right people to work for you and keeping them around long term.
For each of us, it’s usually just one or two factors that cause the burning fire of ambition to burn bright and drive us toward our goals. Here are a few that you can pick and choose from to get yourself out of whatever limiting funk you might be dealing with right now.
Many of the biggest dreamers/achievers of all time have used visualization to turn their dreams into reality. It’s easier to do than you might think. Click to learn more…
Blue collar working class jobs are becoming harder to find as technology continues to replace human bodies with robotic arms run by computers. The only way to ensure a successful future in our children is to encourage them to pave their own path in business.
Losing the sale is much easier to do than closing one successfully. Use any variation of the following 5 soul-crushing lines with prospects and kiss your profits goodbye.
Copying your prospect’s language is key to gaining trust and building a rapport with them. Learn more inside.
Change is never easy. Especially when it comes to changing the personal dialogue that’s constantly going on inside your head. Here’s some great tips on how to become a more positive you!
The following 4 productivity extensions for Google Chrome are a must for anyone working in business.