Just Decide! (#ObsessedWithSuccess2015)
Are you willing to make the decision to be #ObsessedWithSuccess2015?
Are you willing to make the decision to be #ObsessedWithSuccess2015?
Fear of pain, fear of failure. Hard work is called hard work for a reason.
If you’re looking to enact change in your life, to improve on the greatness that is you, this list of recommended self-help books is a great starting point. I’ve included a few of my own recommendations at the bottom of the post
So many of you are likely suffering in your life and career because you weigh the time, monetary, and even the emotional costs associated with achieving your goals. Unfortunately, obsessive contemplation and the worry of uncertainty does nothing but hold you back.
“Crap” storms are a reality that each of us will have to deal with at some point in business, whether you’re an employee, manager, or entrepreneur. Grant Cardone explains that you should definitely prepare for them in advance via saving money, organizing your business — and exercising your stress-coping muscles!
Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death…
How many of you out there are “dabbling” in your dreams in the same way you’d tinker around with the idea of learning a new language or skill? Dabbling kills dreams, it doesn’t cultivate them.
You have an infinite number of chances in life to turn dreams into reality. Death is the only limiting factor and it could happen at any time. An estimated 150,000 people die every single day. Stop procrastinating!
Are you ready to kill the pessimistic hater yourself who’s doomed to failure and start down a new, fun journey of self-discovery?
Why does fear hold you back from achieving your dreams? Unless death excites you, you’re probably going to be a lot more scared when death comes a knocking, with the regret of never going after it to boot!
Jim Rohn describes the mind as “being the gateway to your success.” We’re all guilty of using conscious or even unconscious negative incantations to belittle ourselves and limit our potential. The following positive affirmation video will help you to turn the tide on your negative brain.
Much like a car, your life won’t steer itself. Many of us are limited by “The Lottery Conundrum” in life. Banking on the hope that our dreams will be one day be magically realized.
Imagine the ghosts of your unfulfilled dreams haunting you for an eternity. As Les Brown tells us in this video, if we don’t achieve them in life, they’ll die with us.
What if’s are the favorite sentence starter of the eternal pessimist. This rather entertaining speech from Jim Rohn really puts pessimism and over-cautiousness into a context we can all relate to.
Positivity and negativity are opposing forces. Blaming either on luck or circumstance is a sure-fire way to keep going down the wrong path.