Chad Stewart

Online content writer since 2009. Love reading/writing fiction, running, hiking, camping, crossfit, music and traveling.

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How to Politely Tell Clients to PAY UP

Collecting money from some clients can be like like trying to pull porcupine quills out of your dog’s nose. Check out this explainer vid to see how Zencash uses the “nice guy” approach to keep on top of, and collect money for their designer clients.

Why Infographs Are So Effective

The following ‘infograph’ gives some current stats about how audiences respond to visuals more so than verbal, and why you should include infographics in your content marketing strategy.

Networking 101: Be Honest With Yourself About Your Personality Type

A turtle that’s come out of it’s shell is vulnerable, and everyone around him knows it. This quick video talks about identifying your personality strengths and how to leverage your introverted or extroverted traits to network effectively, instead of looking like a shell-less turtle in the middle of the interstate!

How to Avoid Being Second Place in This Life

There’s so much we can learn from the people who’ve done it. The ones who never gave up, suffered through the laughter and ridicule. Those who believed, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Listen to what they have to say, then get out and create your own success story!

Success is Your Duty: Hustle More + Hate Less = Total Success!

Hustle more, hate less is the catchline of Grant Cardone’s “10x” philosophy on achieving career success and market dominance in this world. Thinking big is the only way to survive. Lowering your standards and expectations when times get tough is a sure-fire path to being middle-class. Target big problems that exist and exploit them to make big money.

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