7 Ways to Send Mass Emails without Spamming

7 Ways to Send Mass Emails without Spamming

The digital age has made marketing a paradise for many, but the environment for email marketers isn’t so simple. There’s basically an all out war that makes it difficult to send mass emails. While it can be a challenge to keep an email marketing campaign alive and well, the good news is that it’s certainly not impossible. Plus, a positive email marketing campaign can be amazingly beneficial and bring in organic leads for any business. Email marketing is simple, once you have a routine in place, and it can be highly effective.

In this article, we’ll discuss seven ways in which you can send bulk emails without having to worry about your emails going to spam.

1. Use Double Opt-Ins

One of the most important things to remember in email marketing is that you should always get your emails from opt-ins. Never, ever buy email lists. Instead, procure organic lists through sign up forms. When you get double opt-ins, you can rest assured that you’ve got proof of consent and you’ve got truly interested parties. It’s a better investment of your time, plus it’s a great way to ensure that your emails don’t end up in the junk folder.

Using the right tools for mass emails can simlify your double opt-ins management – and more.

2. Use the Right Format

In email marketing, it’s critical to always use best practices for your formatting. For example, you’ll want to be sure that you’re always using the right headers. Always be sure to include an unsubscribe link in your emails, and never use spammy wording. Using a few sensible formatting tips can help prevent your emails from going to the spam folder.

3. Authenticate Your Email

Authenticating your email doesn’t take terribly long to do, it’s often free, and it can help decrease the odds of your emails going to a spam folder. With services such as SPF, DKIM, or DMARC, you can authenticate your email to give your brand digital credibility.

4. Clean Up Your Email List

Even when you’re using double opt-ins, you’ll still want to be sure that you are cleaning your list periodically. The reason is that unengaged users can still hurt you. While many people will indeed click the unsubscribe list, they won’t all do that. Many more will simply ignore your emails. When this happens, you’ll see it in your analytics.

It is important to weed out unengaged users, as well as bounced emails, from your list with the help of an email validator.

Email marketing tips

5. Keep It Simple

Your emails do not need to be and should not be terribly complex. Keep them elegant, clean, and simple for best results. For example, use simple tones, colors, and content. Never use attachments. Offer both plain text and HTML versions for best results. Do not embed any forms in your emails. Also, make sure your spelling and grammar is correct.

Those best practices will help ensure that your emails don’t go to spam.

6. Choose Your Wordings Carefully

When creating bulk email campaigns, always avoid trigger words and be aware of spam traps. ISPs are tough on email marketers, so you should be aware of spam traps (essentially fake emails that can cause your email to be blacklisted).

7. Do Housekeeping

A little housekeeping can go a long way when it comes to your email campaigns. On occasion, you’ll want to check to make sure that your email isn’t blacklisted. You can use tools such as OnxToolbox and Multirbl.Valli to confirm whether or not your email has been blacklisted. Also, before you send an email, be sure that you always test it first.

Always be sure that you are staying up to date with the latest laws and regulations regarding bulk emails. Laws such as the American CAN-SPAM Act of 2004 and the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation of 2014 have paved the way for making marketing a little bit tougher in the email realm. Still, 79% of emails sent by email marketers reach subscribers’ inboxes.


While it’s perfectly ethical for ISPs to use spam traps and spam filters, it’s also perfectly ethical for you to have a strategy that keeps you clear of becoming spam. In these cases, it’s always important to follow all of the most current rules and regulations so that you can ensure that your emails are seen by their recipients.

It is hard to guarantee that emails will never go to a spam folder, but with strategies like the ones listed in this article, you can be sure that you are doing your very best to ensure that your emails get to where they need to be going.

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