With so many companies coming out of the woodwork to present what seems like an excellent deal on debit and/or credit card terminals, it’s difficult for the unsuspecting business-owner to effectively navigate the vast, ever-expanding world of merchant service providers.
Here, then, are a few key elements that make a merchant services provider company not only trustworthy, but an asset to one’s business.
1. Up-To-Date Technology
POS systems and payment terminals are evolving at overwhelming speeds and it can therefore be quite tricky to determine who or what constitutes the most advanced system. In any case, it should come as no surprise that many merchant processing companies are offering cutting-edge devices; if this isn’t the case for your current plan, you might consider moving on to another service provider.
If your machinery is shoddy and prone to malfunctions, it may require an update or two. But if similar problems persist, it’s likely time to get a hold of an entirely new device by getting in touch with a customer service representative, lest you compromise your ability to accumulate revenue because of an annoying, systemic software glitch.
2. Reliable Customer Service
If a payment cannot go through because of a faulty point of sale system, then there can be no “good” customer service, insofar as there is no customer present. While the niceties exchanged between customers and workers are necessary, to an extent, the service is, by default, rendered bad because of a technological hiccup.
If you’re having difficulties processing a payment, this could be incredibly costly for your business. With this in mind, a reliable merchant service provider will not only be able to tend to your needs, they will, in fact, actively try to meet them.
There is a rather big difference between those companies who state they have concrete customer policies and warranties, and those who demonstrate their dedication to your business. For example, the Swift Payments is well-known for its impeccable customer relations and its communicative, hands-on approach to troubleshooting, should there be the need for any like that, which is highly unlikely. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case with all providers, so it’s best to be conscious of the rapport you’re able to cultivate while trying to scope out a company with which to work.

3. Variety
POS systems can use an array of interfaces stemming from rather disparate software. Nevertheless, intuitiveness and speed as far as interfaces go is integral to the entirety of the operation.
With that in mind, a good merchant processing operation will be able to offer a variety of machines, coupled with a matrix of particular services, that cater to the needs of your business. If you’re prone to long waits and sporadically placed customers, for instance, then it might be the case that mobile credit card and debit card terminals are best-suited for your transactions.
With these ideas in mind, it shouldn’t be terribly difficult to determine a good match for your place of business; soon enough, you’ll be processing transactions glitch-free, with a sense of style and ease and, should you encounter any hiccups, a calming customer service representative will be mere clicks away.