Do you feel that you are spending too much time trying to convince your target market to like your product, services or initiatives? If so, then this post is for you.
You see, you expect to reap what you sow. Everyone expects it. Unfortunately, you need to know that your yield – your results – depend on how fertile is your ground.
For example, you have this amazing app that will change how people converse with each other (a.k.a. Meerkat, Snapchat, etc.) If the target market is not ready for the app, it won’t do them – and you – any good. However, if your market is ripe and – for some reasons – other appreneurs don’t notice it, you’ll reap 1,000 even million times of what you sow.
The same logic stays true when you are trying to convince your target market, influencer or decision makers about the importance of, say, social media for their organizations. If your target market can’t seem to understand the point of going to social media, then you should focus on a different market segment that is interested in social media.
The market is probably not the one you expect, but you need to shift your focus on the potentially better market. Time is money, and speed in business is everything.
Here’s a better explanation from Gary Vaynerchuk:
Well said. You should wasting time trying to convince people to believe in what you believe in. Instead, you should focus on those who share your believe. The same time and money can yield a very different result – if you can identify those who share your vision.
Got it?