Cloud-Free Alternative to Swype and Swiftkey Keyboards: Nintype is the Bomb!

Cloud-Free Alternative to Swype and Swiftkey Keyboards: Nintype is the Bomb!

If you’re sick of having to be connected to the cloud whenever you’re using aftermarket “fast typing” keyboards like Swiftkey, Quicktype and Swype for your iOS devices, check out Nintype; a much more powerful, feature-rich alternative custom keyboard that features Jormy’s sophisticated “dual swipe” input method of typing:

I’ve held off on this post since Nintype’s release, hoping perhaps they’d release the Android version soon after. However, it appears they’re still at least a few months away from that yet.

This keyboard is getting rave reviews all over the place, despite the fact that it doesn’t have a free version like its competitors.


It’s fast!

If you’re a supersonic-typer who gets annoyed that your smartphone or tablet just can’t keep up with you, this is the app for you. Some folks are claiming up to 130wpm when typing with this custom keyboard app. That’s at least double what most people can handle on a physical computer keyboard — perhaps triple or more what most folks can do on their smart devices!

I’ve spoken to a few friends who’re using it currently too. Despite all the extra features, the one real benefit that I’ve been hearing about is how it’s prediction engine learns your typing style much faster than other swipe-style custom keyboards. Nintype will apparently learn to translate your special kind of text-typing language, so you don’t have to mess around with corrections as much.

I’ll let you check it out for yourself: (non aff-link).

So share your own experiences with this app in the comments.

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