If you find yourself utterly confused about what drives consumer behavior when then land on your web store or landing page to make a (potential) purchase, take a moment to skim through the following factoids.
Some great stats provided in the infograph.
If you’re still using shared hosting and your clickthroughs are through the roof, but sales are low; might be time to upgrade. You literally have 3 – 5 seconds to get that sucker loaded!
It’s really important for everyone reading this to focus on the checkout abandonment stats provided. 67.5% average over 22 studies? That’s crazy, right? Everything you need to get more sales is offered in plain detail though. Make EVERY detail about the product, payment, site security, shipping, returns, etc., as CLEAR as possible and people will buy, if your product delivers in the quality department.
If you’re hiding something, it will always show through to most savvy consumers.
The devil’s in the details after all!