Have you ever received unwanted offers from your Facebook news feed? I know I have. It pisses me off. And it turns out that I’m not the only one.
In this Q&A session, Gary Vaynerchuk received a question from someone that shares our concerns: Receiving offers on our news feed sucks. But Mr. Vaynerchuk’s answer is epic and true to the core – check it out:
The bottom line: Yes, offers in your Facebook news feed – called Facebook dark posts (or unpublished posts) – WILL decline in their effectiveness, as more and more people are becoming annoyed by such unwanted offers. However, as Gary Vee mentioned, we are living in the NOW and today, Facebook dark posts are increasing in popularity and are still effective in deliveries and conversion.
A lesson learned: Mr. Vaynerchuk mentioned over and over again that marketers ruin everything – but in the Facebook dark posts case, marketers haven’t ruin it just yet. That means that the unpublished posts usage will continue to grow, and what business owners and marketers can do right now is to start using the feature while it’s still effective.