“Most people just aren’t willing to put in the time to work smart.” — Mark Cuban
I really like “Cubes” because of his no-nonsense style. He just seems to say whatever’s on his mind; with no worry of the backlash from the public.
Of course, there is times when he’s perhaps a little too vocal. Check this link out if you didn’t catch his bigotry scandal last summer: http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/22/us/mark-cuban-nba-bigotry/
Anyhow, back to the video…
What do you guys think about his thoughts on starting from complete zero and creating a business: no loans, no connections — just a love or passion for something and trying to spin it into a business…
Do we need connections and tons of cash, or are those “perceived” prerequisites just a bunch of excuses like Cuban says?
Check out his blog: http://blogmaverick.com/