If you’re not doing social yet for your business, then when’s the “aha moment” going to happen for you?
I mean:
- More people own a smartphone than a toothbrush
- 1 in 5 divorces are a result of social media
- “Selfie” is now defined in the Webster’s Dictionary
- 13 year olds are now allowed to create an account on LinkedIn
- 93% of shopper’s decisions are influenced by social media
Don’t worry guys, I’ve only skimmed the surface of what the following two videos are going to reveal.
They’re both short and sweet and a must read/watch (they’re infograph vids) for any business owner who doesn’t think that “this haih social thang” isn’t worth your time or resources.
And for the love all that’s holy in this world folks: If it comes down to buying a toothbrush, or a bloody smartphone…
… I can offer you two potential solutions to ease your decision:
What? You thought I was going to say buy a toothbrush instead?